[L A] Y E R S 


Typology:  Non-narrative Short Film

Timeline: Fall 2023

Technology:  Black Magic Camera

Tutors:  Nathan Su,
Natasha Sandmeier

Collaborators:  Jiaqi Kang,
Deeksha Harish
Prepare to embark on a captivating and immersive cinematic journey as we unveil the essence of Los Angeles through the lens of a non-narrative film, "LA Baraka." This extraordinary visual exploration takes you deep into the heart of the city, capturing the essence of its vibrant spirit and unveiling its hidden layers of beauty and complexity.

Delving deeper into the city's fabric, Layers will unveil the intricate interconnectedness of people, objects, and emotions that shape the tapestry of Los Angeles. From the ever-changing cityscape adorned with towering skyscrapers and historic landmarks to the intricate web of transportation systems that seamlessly connect neighborhoods, you will witness the remarkable order and complexity that underlies the urban landscape. The film peels back the layers, offering a glimpse into the interconnected nature of the city's diverse cultures, histories, and stories.


In the first chapter, Lights, you will be transported into a world illuminated by the dazzling radiance of the cityscape. From the glimmering neon signs that adorn the bustling streets to the mesmerizing dance of headlights and taillights along the iconic boulevards, you will witness the transformative power of light as it shapes the nocturnal landscape of Los Angeles. Prepare to be awestruck by the interplay of vibrant colors, casting a magical glow that brings the city to life.


As the journey unfolds, Sounds will envelop you, immersing you in the symphony of urban life. From the bustling chatter of street vendors to the rhythmic beats emanating from vibrant cultural hubs, the melodic tunes of street performers to the echoing laughter of children in neighborhood parks, you will experience the vibrant tapestry of sounds that reverberate throughout the city. Each sonic element intertwines to create a unique auditory experience, painting a vivid portrait of the diverse communities that call Los Angeles home.


Delving deeper into the city's fabric, Layers will unveil the intricate interconnectedness of people, objects, and emotions that shape the tapestry of Los Angeles. From the ever-changing cityscape adorned with towering skyscrapers and historic landmarks to the intricate web of transportation systems that seamlessly connect neighborhoods, you will witness the remarkable order and complexity that underlies the urban landscape. The film peels back the layers, offering a glimpse into the interconnected nature of the city's diverse cultures, histories, and stories.


Lastly, Soul beckons, delving into the intangible essence that breathes life into the city. From the dreams and aspirations of aspiring artists to the resilience of communities united by shared experiences, this chapter captures the soulful essence that infuses Los Angeles with its distinctive charm. The film celebrates the vibrant creativity, cultural diversity, and indomitable spirit that defines the soul of the city.

"LA Baraka" is a cinematic masterpiece that invites you to witness the vibrant kaleidoscope of lights, the symphony of sounds, the intricate layers, and the soul-stirring moments that make Los Angeles an extraordinary metropolis. Allow yourself to be immersed in the captivating imagery, the sensory richness, and the profound interconnectedness of this cinematic odyssey. Get ready to experience the pulse and heartbeat of Los Angeles like never before.