ANON - Subculture Style Transfer

Typology:  Exploring the Intersection
of Transhumanism
and Virtual Subcultures

Timeline: Winter 2023

Software: Unreal Engine, Rhino

Tutors:  Nathan Su,
Natasha Sandmeier

Collaborators:  Saubhagini Mahajan, Dhwani Shah, Gabriiela Jarboe
Throughout the 21st century, virtual subcultures have served as a refuge for individuals who subscribe to an existence removed from the public sphere. Often isolated in their rooms, these digital waifs experience a sense of alienation from the ostensible reality while simultaneously being entrenched in it through their computers. They are able to navigate and immerse themselves in both worlds, leading to a paradoxical feeling of missing out and a deep connection to their virtual counterparts. These individuals primarily engage in a purely digitally-mediated existence, where their passions and labor are confined to the boundaries of their 1080p monitors.

Through platforms like Discord chats, 4chan boards, and simulated relationships, these individuals form subcultures that thrive solely within the realm of virtual mediation. They create spaces and communities that would not exist without the digital landscape. Disillusioned by the physical sphere, they yearn for tangible manifestations of the virtual worlds they inhabit. Utilizing digital tools, they disrupt the social hierarchies of their physical realities, carve out virtual safe havens, and ultimately consume and embody diverse identities.



Responsive polymers, also known as smart polymers, offer transhumanists a powerful tool for enhancing their capabilities and advancing human potential. These versatile materials can undergo reversible changes in response to external stimuli, allowing transhumans to adapt and modify their physical and chemical properties. By integrating responsive polymers into their bodies, transhumans can achieve remarkable advancements in areas such as regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, and sensory augmentation. These polymers can be designed to respond to specific cues, enabling targeted drug release, tissue regeneration, and enhanced sensory perception. With their ability to adapt and self-regulate, responsive polymers empower transhumanists to push the boundaries of human capabilities and unlock new possibilities for self-improvement and evolution.


In the quest for connection and self-expression, these individuals find solace in the virtual realm, where they are able to redefine their existence and forge connections with like-minded souls. They navigate a world that exists beyond the confines of physical limitations, embracing the possibilities offered by digital platforms. Through their virtual interactions, they challenge societal norms, break down barriers, and construct new narratives that enable them to manifest their true selves in ways that were previously unimaginable.