Typology:  Speculative WorldBuild

Timeline: 1,150 light-years from Earth

Softwares:  Gaea, Houdini, Unreal Engine

Tutors:  Laure Michelon

Collaborators:  Berhan Uludag,
Manan Vikam

The project is based on AU Microscopii B, an ice giant planet discovered in 2020, which is located 1,150 light-years from Earth and has a gravity 26% higher and a radius of 0.0645 AU compared to Earth, resulting in a mass 20 times greater than our planet.

The planet has a ring system formed by the collision of two moons, and its atmosphere and terrain contain large amounts of sulfur. The emission of X-rays through radiation occurs when high-energy particles interact with the atmosphere, and energetic electrons are slowed down by the planet's magnetic field lines at its poles.

The project aims to speculate on the design of the planet's terrain and atmosphere based on information from NASA's exoplanet website.


Taking a design-focused approach at the macroscopic scale, the project aims to understand and visualize the overall form and composition of AU Microscopii B. By analyzing its size, gravity, and radius, we can explore the implications of these macroscopic characteristics on the planet's architectural and environmental design. This understanding sets the foundation for creating structures and landscapes that harmonize with the planet's scale and gravitational forces.


At the planetary scale, the project seeks to uncover the design opportunities presented by AU Microscopii B as a unique exoplanet. By studying its distance from Earth, ring system formed through moon collisions, and the abundance of sulfur, we can envision architectural responses that capitalize on these distinct features. This includes the exploration of innovative materials and building techniques to create resilient habitats that embrace the planet's sulfur-rich terrain and utilize the ring system for sustainable resource management


Zooming in to the microscopic scale, the project delves into the intricate design details influenced by AU Microscopii B's environment. By investigating the emission of X-rays resulting from high-energy particle interactions and the interplay between the planet's magnetic field and energetic electrons, we can envision responsive lighting systems and energy-efficient designs. These microscopic elements inspire the integration of adaptable structures and technologies that harness the unique energy dynamics of the planet, ensuring a symbiotic relationship between architecture and the surrounding environment.